Anxiety Therapy Minneapolis

Anxious Overachievers, Perfectionists, & Blamers, that Overly Criticize Themselves

You know the tune! You are extremely hard on yourself. Overthinking everything is what you automatically do. You become exhausted from this daily anxiety pattern. Worry strikes when things don’t go perfectly, your mind jumps to failure and you blame yourself. Tossing and turning at night, unable to sleep, your mind races to what you have to do the next day, you wake up in Minnesota feeling scared of what’s going to happen next, and the pattern continues.

You Never Feel Good Enough and Always Strive for Perfection.

You could do everything right, still not give yourself credit, and put yourself down. There’s an inner critic feeding you negative messages of self-doubt. You would never speak to a friend, family member, or loved one, the way you do yourself. It’s hard to imagine what giving yourself a compliment would feel like.

You Can't Stop Moving and You feel Restless.

High functioning anxiety manifested as “a lot of energy,” takes over your life when you always have to be doing something. When you do try to calm your nerves, you feel guilty taking a break, and starting shoulding on yourself, practically feels like shitting. You become anxious about not achieving your goals, have debilitating panic attacks out of nowhere, and feel out of control.

Your Anxiety has Anxiety, the cycle is real!

You don’t want this to be your life forever and the cycle of anxiety to take over. You’ve thought, “Will therapy eliminate my anxiety?” Everyone has anxiety and therapy in Minneapolis can help! Many believe that anxiety is the equivalent of stress, which isn't the case. It's not too late to ask for help from a therapist in Minneapolis when anxiety and panic strike. You are ready to stop being an asshole to yourself, clap back at that inner critic, and see a therapist in Minneapolis for Anxiety Counseling!

How I work!

I, Jackie (She/Her) am a therapist in Minneapolis who helps young adult overachievers, perfectionists, inner critics, blamers, who engage in a lot of negative self-talk and feel like their anxiety is taking over their life, to stop being so damn hard on themselves! In Anxiety Counseling, we work together by practicing self-love, self-compassion, and self-worth! I incorporate clapping back at the inner critic, meditation and relaxation techniques to chill the fuck out for a hot second, the people you admire the most in guided imagery exercises to help treat your negative self-talk and learn how to implement confidence in all areas of your life based on your role models.


How you'll know Anxiety Therapy in Minneapolis is working...

You will catch yourself when those nasty messages come up.

You don’t question yourself or play the “What if game.”

You will be able to take a damn compliment for a change.

You will be able to say go fuck yourself to that inner critic. 

You will do your hair toss, check your nails, and feel good as hell! 

With therapy in Minneapolis, you can change your entire life, the way you see it, and begin to show up as the best version of yourself every day. 

Let's get you to the other side with Anxiety Counseling today!

Ready to clap back?

Call me for a FREE 15-minute consultation for Anxiety Counseling in Minneapolis at - 507-571-2942 or click on the website to discover how therapy in Minneapolis with me can move from self-critical to becoming self-confident. If you are looking for help with Sex Therapy, Couples Therapy, Anxiety, & Self-Esteem, you can read more about how I can help here. If you are a therapist in Minneapolis Minnesota and seeking consultation services, I can help here too! Let’s get started on your Shameless Goals in Minneapolis, MN today!